Thursday, January 29, 2009

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing

Honestly, sometimes I wonder what's going on in dispatch!! LOL We arrived at the base at 06:50 for 07:30 pickup and ended up playing ring around the guard shack because we couldn't get the correct load number from dispatch! We went through the gate 3 times. We finally got loaded about 1:15 and began our 2+ hour drive. Enroute we got a message that the receiving base would only unload until 4! If we didn't get unloaded we would have to stay on the base in secure hold overnight. Normally I don't mind a porta-potty if that's all there is but it sure is going to be cold tonight!

Anyway, we got there in the nick of time, left the base and headed out for a hot meal. Speaking of hot meals, that reminds me of Dana's thought from last night. While sitting at WalMart, we wanted something hot for dinner and didn't want to microwave, so we called Pizza Hut to get some wings delivered. They said they couldn't deliver to the truck for safety reasons but could deliver to the front of the store. Dana went in to pick up celery and ranch and while waiting for the delivery guy he sent me this text: "If you are standing in front of the WalMart waiting for your bucket of hotwings to be delivered, you may be a redneck!!!" I laughed my butt off!!

Sorry, I digress.....back to tonight. On the way to dinner, we received 2 load offers within seconds. One was to Ontario and one was to Killeen, TX. HMMMMM Tough choice...where to go? Texas, of course! So tomorrow we pick up in Indianapolis and head to Texas.

Here are a few more pics from yesterday:

Stay tuned for more adventures!!!

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