Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Wow. What a frustrating day already. Dana and I both have bad colds so we stayed at a hotel last night. I had a shower last night and one this morning just because I could!!!! LOL We've requested to be routed home, and three times they've sent the same load. We'd have to drive five hours to Minneapolis to get it and then back to Winnipeg. NO THANKS! The high today is 4 degrees!

Besides, I don't have any of the paperwork I need for us to get back into the states from Canada. I've requested it be shipped to me but gee, I can't get home to get it!!!

So, we decided to have a good lunch, a cold beverage and a nap. Then we will decide what to do. I believe the decision will be to move southeast, although we'll watch the storm carefully that is in Wisconsin now!

So, folks, another slow day, but this blog lets me vent so I don't get nasty with dispatch when they keep sending me the same load as there ARE NO OTHER TRUCKS from our company a 300 mile radius! LOL

Stay tuned, stay warm!!!

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