Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cornhusker Country

Well, we're back in Nebraska for the second weekend in a row. Since my last post we've done a bit of travelling. LOL I'm also dealing with aircard issues. Anyway, let's see if I can get caught up. As of the last post, we were in Oregon and had delivered and had some great local seafood. From there we headed to Sunnyside, Washington to pick up 7700 pounds of frozen raspberry puree to take to Chicago. Forty hours later we delivered still frozen product. Dana drove through our first snow coming out of Idaho into Montana. There is one place on the highway where trucks must only drive 35 mph because of the steep decline down the mountain. As it was also snowing he used the engine brake to slow the truck down. I happened to be asleep, but on my side and apparently near the edge of the bed and almost rolled right out!! Had to grab the table to hang on!! That was a wake up call! LOL

After delivering in Chicago, we headed to Rockford, IL to pick up 3 pallets of stuff used to make rubber. We delivered it 12 hours later to Goodyear Tire in Norfolk, NE. Norfolk happens to be the hometown of the late great Johnny Carson. We drove down Johnny Carson Boulevard.

We spent Halloween weekend in York, NE, the nearest Idleaire location and watched a lot of football. On Sunday we headed to Oklahoma to pick up a military load going to Arkansas. Kinda weird to drive over 500 miles to pick up a load only going 108, but they paid.

Once again, there was some paperwork confusion and it took over four hours for them to get our truck loaded. The directions we were given to the consignee were COMPLETELY wrong and thankfully the soldiers were kind enough to wait on us and unload us so we wouldn't have to wait until the next day.

Later that night we picked up a load of paint in Little Rock, Arkansas and headed to Mobile, Alabama. The paint was for a ship and goes on the hull below the water line and helps prevent the growth of "critters." It was cool going into the shipyard. Unfortunately we weren't allow to take any pictures.

By this time we were both pretty tired so we just slept and watched TV te rest of Tuesday. On Wednesday, we headed for a PetSmart to get dogfood and then found a place called Felix's Fish Camp Grill. It sits next to the water and was FABULOUS!! We started out with sauteed crab claws:

After lunch we went over to see the USS Alabama. We decided not to take the tour because it was such a beautiful day outside.

We soon got a load offer and headed to Garyville, Louisiana to pick it up. We saw a lot of Katrina damage still in New Orleans but also saw a lot of repair and rebuilding. We picked up one barrel of some kind of corrosive and headed to Nebraska. We delivered the barrel two hours early to Tyson Hide and Tanning facility. Did you know Tyson also does beef?? I didn't but apparently they do and I watched cow hides moving around on the hooks inside the factory.

So here we are back in York, NE. We figure we'll be here until Monday. Thanks for checking in!


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! when I saw those things in that bowl I thought of rats...
The things some people will eat!?!
Your Dad agrees, they are great---OK if you guys say so. Love. MOM

Captain Bill said...

You write so well I forget sometimes how good a photographer you are, too. I love the shot of the crabs and the chair. I hope you're shooting high res so you can print them in your book. You might want to think about taking portraits of the truckers you meet. I can see that as a second book. Hey, I'm serious. Damn. *I* should be drivin' so *I* can write the book and then retire! Don't know where I'd find a spouse like Dana, though. I'm presuming you won't share. :-)

You blog always cheers me up!

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since i've checked in on you. You've beeen quite a mini adventure every day. Love the pictures. Those crab legs sure looked tasty, I however prefer the "fresh" lobster we get here. Hope you get a trip up this way sometime. All the best to you both. Love Dan