Saturday, November 21, 2009


This stupid aircard is making me crazy!! I ordered a new one and hopefully will have issues resolved soon and can blog more often. However, if you miss me here, (I KNOW you are just dying to keep up, LOL) catch me on Facebook. I can easily update my status from my phone.

Anyway, where have we been and what have we been doing? This blog may not have my usual chronological order since it's been so long and I started writing it while at BW3s drinking and waiting for the OSU game to start. We got in around 4: 30 Saturday morning after leaving Eglin AFG, FL. We were hoping to meet our friends but it appears everyone has bailed on us!! Ah well. Last time I leave Florida for you guys!!

So, we left St. Paul, MN Thursday morning about 9 am and went to Eglin and back to Ohio by Saturday morning. Gotta love it!

About a week ago, we had a new camp site (Cap'n. Mejier's is very hospitable! Also open 24 hours with even easier access to restrooms. Might check them out more often. Super Targets look good too. We didn't do too badly this week....worked four days and made our weekly goal financially. Even paying our own fuel to come home wasn't too bad.

We picked up some chrome earlier this week from a shop that would make any man drool and delivered it to a Polaris plant. I had a beautiful drive through Minnesota the other day...took a lot of state routes, two lanes, through beautiful farms. It was hilly and winding...reminds me of southeastern Ohio.

I really didn't want to leave Florida was sunny and 73 degrees. But, again, had to go to that doctor's appointment on today and then get Alex on tomorrow, so we'll just have to hit the beach next time.

Anyway, my BP was back down today...I really think last time it was incidental stress (worrying about getting recertified and sitting in the waiting room with hacking, sniffling, sick people for 2 hours past my appointment). I'm going back to see the doc over the Christmas break and get my physical done again...if I can keep the BP where it was today, I'll be able to get a two year certification.

So now I'm in Newark to catch up with some friends then we are going to see our tattoo artist's newest shop in New Philadelphia. Well, actually going to get some ink, it just happens that he will be in the new shop today! LOL

Plans for dinner with another great friend and his wife and son for Wednesday and then who knows. Should really call my sister....I'm pretty sure my nieces have not passed along my messages!

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that I have a job I love, I spend everyday with my best friend and my family is healthy.

1 comment:

Go.Do.Be. said...

Oh I do love reading about your travels. What will your new ink be and where are you getting it on your body? Be sure to post pics. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!