Saturday, July 18, 2009

What a week!

Well, we have had a busy week! Monday we left Nashville and headed for Detroit. Monday night was Detroit to Chicago and Tuesday was Chicago back to Detroit. We headed to a truck stop in Ann Arbor (you know how we feel about that!!!) After a much needed shower, we came out of the building to see the "Girls Gone Wild" bus in the fuel lane. Everybody was snapping pictures and asking the driver where the girls were. What a job!!! LOL

Wednesday afternoon we loaded in Detroit again to head to Alabama and had to reroute due to the explosion on Interstate 75. You may have seen footage on the news of the tanker truck that crashed and exploded. We could see the smoke from 10 miles north of the accident and had to exit I-75 about a mile north of it. We had to drive through the residential neighborhood trying to find our way around back to the interstate south of the accident. The residents didn't like the trucks going through their neighborhood and the police were too busy to help with rerouting. It was not fun. Here are our pictures:

We made it to Alabama and delivered early even with our issues at the beginning. We got a nap and then a load offer. We headed to west Georgia, toward Atlanta to pick up a load going to a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. We made the 1150 trip in 24 hours and 5 minutes, delivering 1 hour and 15 minutes early. Talk about tired!!

We saw the Mall of America while driving through Minneapolis and thought about visiting but we were the fifth truck on the board and they only get about three loads a day so we accepted a paid move to Wausau, Wisconsin and headed east.

We made a stop in Eau Claire for supper. We went to the Green Mill Restaurant and had a delicious dinner. We hit the road again to move to the board area we needed and found a truck stop where we could spend the night and be the first truck on the board. We figure we won't get out until Monday, but that's ok. We've now moved to a bigger truck stop (although sparsley populated compared to what we are used to) this morning, got a shower and I've got the laundry in now. They only have two washers and two dryers compared to the one in NJ where I did laundry last...they had eight of each! They do have a nice lounge with satellite TV and clean recliners so I don't mind the laundry taking a couple of hours. I'm also using their internet and enjoying typing on a desktop with a regular keyboard for a change. Sure don't miss doing this 8-12 hours a day, though!!

Stay tuned!!! I'll try to get the pic of the GGW bus loaded from my phone to here for you.

So, there's a mexican restaurant next door so I believe that will be where we have dinner tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you really have interesting
maybe mich. residents would have made it easier for you IF you had a big "ohio state" symbal on the side of that truck,!!!???!!! LOL

the pics were great.
keep safe.
love, mom