Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hot Hazy Humid Summer Days

Well, it's been almost two weeks since I last here goes.
We ended up outside Pittsburgh on July 2nd and knew we wouldn't move during the holiday so we headed home since we were only a little over an hour away. On the 4th we headed out to visit Mom and Dad Clark for Mom's birthday. We had a great visit with them, as well as Melissa and Randy, Jack and Juanita and Elouise. Even Schultzie finally made up with me...what a cutie; here's a picture:

We got a load offer Monday to leave Tuesday and ran a few short runs between Indiana, Cincinnati, Kentucky and Alabama and landed in Nashville on Friday. Freight seems to be running slow so we figured we would sit all weekend so we spent Saturday afternoon downtown Nashville. It was fun to just wander in and out of all the shops and drinking establishments. One of the shops had a little Charlie Daniels museum.

Alex, do you remember going to this Hooters after trying out for Jeopardy?
So today, we found a Walmart and did our grocery shopping and came back to the truck stop to watch movies and the thunderstorms.
Happy Birthday, Olivia!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoyed the slide show. as always!
Dana, you need a "harley vest"
hope you didn't have to stay in michigan very long, the smell is hard to get rid of. or so they say & I believe it.!!!
keep safe & keep truckin'
Love Y'all