Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's been awhile..........

I knew it had been awhile, but didn't realize it's been almost two weeks since I've been on here!! So....back to Denver..we spent the week running short loads around Denver and on Saturday headed to Lodi, near Sacramento, CA. We had an easy run there and it was nice seeing the west in the summer time instead of covered in snow and ice!

We unloaded in CA on Monday morning and found a truck stop. It was in the 90's in the afternoon, but we had trees behind the truck so the dogs and I laid on a blanket in the grass. The breeze was beautiful and we weren't stuck inside the truck! Tuesday morning brought a problem...we were first on the board to get out but our serpentine belt broke. Dana walked to two small repair shops near us but they didn't have one. We started calling Freightliner dealers and they didn't have one...they could have it in a week or the next day for an additonal $20 (kinda weird to pay for expedite freight when that's what you do!). We gave our owner a call for suggestions and it turns out he's orginally from the Sacramento area and still had family there. We found a belt at a Napa store and a friend of our owner's nephew picked it up and drove it down to us.

So now we were third on the board with only about two loads a day going out. Anyway, long story short, we had two loads that didn't pan out and one load offer that weighed more than we could haul. We also decided we like California much better in the winter...it's much greener overall, but we did like seeing all of the crops and vineyards.

Finally on Friday we got a mini....only down to San Jose, but hey, we needed the work. After we unloaded, we headed back to the truck stop and were going to get some dinner (it was 9 pm PDT) and were planning to go to the California state fair the next day. We figured we wouldn't get out til Monday. Five minutes later we got a load offer....we needed to go 810 miles to Seattle, WA to pick up the load and then take it to Greenville, SC. We had to head out immediately to make the pick up time.

So, now here we are in SC, 3600 miles later that we drove in 76 hours. We only stopped for fuel and bathrooms. We fueled the truck, found a parking spot and headed in for breakfast. We didn't even get to order when we got called for another load!! It was a little less than our regular rate, but it's going to Orlando and we can see Mom and Dad and if we're lucky, Scott, Robin and Lexi! We finished breakfast, got a MUCH NEEDED shower and Dana is sleeping. We'll leave soon to load and head out again.

I'm putting my photos in a slide show again...it's just a little easier. I have some more on my phone, but can't find my micro SD card adapter....I hope I didn't wash it!! LOL

Stay tuned and I'll try to get online more often!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this great!!!!
see you soon.
love, Mom