Friday, April 17, 2009

Patience my @$$!! LOL

Obviously, patience is not one of MY virtues! We delivered our load Wednesday morning, found a truck stop and had a good breakfast followed by some much needed sleep. Since we were third on the board with only one load a day going out in a 300 mile radius, we settled in for a wait.

Thankfully, we had several TV channels thanks to our free digital box, so we just chilled the rest of Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday evening I started to get restless so I started looking for freight so we could maybe broker a load ourselves to at least get to a better area.

This morning we got a load offer going to Cheyenne again but we can't pick up until Monday so we got online and found a hotel that accepts pets and isn't overly expensive. I do have to admit the view isn't bad:

By the way, Dana gets all of the photo credit today. Stay tuned!

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