Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here we are..

It's been a busy week! Last Thursday we went back to Wednesday's delivery spot to pick up a load. We delivered it that night to Travis AFB, 14 hours early! We moved to a truck stop, slept in Friday and started making some plans to see San Francisco over the weekend. HA! So much for that idea...We were dispatched along with another nearby truck to pick up a load in Oregon late Friday night. Of course along the way it began to snow in the mountains and we had to chain up again! One of our chains broke during the previous trip so we had to stop and buy another set. They're so shiny!! LOL

We were able to unchain after about an hour and then came upon another checkpoint where we were to chain up again, but the check-guy was asleep in his truck so we just cruised on by...

We picked up our load, which was recovered from a semi, so was split between our truck and another one. We drove through Oregon and Washington Saturday, slept at a rest area and crossed the border to British Columbia Sunday morning. We drove through the Cascade and Rocky Mountains with 7000 pounds of corrosive liquid. What a ride. It was gorgeous!! I'll try to get pics posted soon.

After we delivered our load eight hours early, we found a rest area and got a few hours of sleep and then headed to Montana for a couple of days of much needed rest. We found a nice hotel and are off duty until tomorrow. Then we're hoping to head toward Ohio to pick up mail. Gotta get those taxes done so we can get the FAFSA done!

Stay tuned.

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